Short post this week, folks! I'm trying to do all the things with very little time. At some point, I really need to figure out this cloning thing, or possibly find a pocket dimension where Time Math really doesn't matter. Until then, I'm charging full speed ahead, juggling day job, kids, writing, regular life stuff, and super fun convention appearances!! Oh, and occasionally paying attention to my incredibly patient husband, who has somehow put up with my shenanigans for thirteen years now LOL

So where am I headed to this time? DeepSouthCon, a relaxacon in Helen, GA. Did I mention it's in the middle of Oktoberfest? Hehe. I'll be hanging out with the ever awesome Marisa Wolf, Mel Todd, and Cisca Small. Also, the fabulous John Hartness is this year's Toastmaster, and he's promised everyone toast. . . or something like that. I'm almost certain that's what a toastmaster does, anyway ; )
If you're in the area and you're looking for something fun to do this weekend, badges are still available. Come hang out with us! I promise goose honking and all the shenanigans!!

So what am I reading in my spare time? This one is kind of a cheat, and once again I'm all the smug, because I read this one before ANYONE else. Mwahahaha. Author friends are the bessssst. What am I talking about? The latest release in the Salvage Title Universe and the start of a brand new series, Salvage Purgatory!

You're going to want to get in on this one early, because the second novel and direct follow on, Salvage Harbinger, is out next month. Again, all the smug first reader vibes over here. Also, NICK AND JASON ARE AMAZING MONSTERS. You've been warned. One more thing -- Captain Miggy Morrison and the Cabrillo. Remember those names. Trust me. I know ALL the things.

All right, folks. That's it for this week. I've got words to write, panic packing to do, and a family to hang out with before I hit the road tomorrow! Until next time!